Meeting called to order by President L B Baker at 1700 hrs.
Countries in attendance:
- Mexico
- Brazil
- Paraguay
- Uraguay
- Chile
- Argentina
- Equador
- Bolivia
- Peru
The 2018 GPA/IPO World Championships were reaffirmed for Kiev, Ukraine.
The majority voted for the 2019 GPA/IPO to be in Brazil.
The 2020 GPA/IPO will be in the Republic of Georgia after reaffirmation in 2018.
The rules of the GPA / IPO were discussed. Our translator, Micka Alexandra Garafani, agreed to translate the IPO rules into Spanish.
A soft bench press division for the IPO was suggested by L B Baker. After a discussion it was voted down by the majority.
A GPA/IPO Pan American was approved for September 2018.
A discussion was held about the number of “World contests”. There are too many. It was decided that the GPA/IPO will publish a set of Guidelines about contest sanctions. The guidelines will be published before the 2018 season.
There will be only one World Championships, no World Cups. Too many World Cups dilutes the quality of a World Championships.
By the majority vote country members and country representatives must remain loyal to the GPA/IPO and not sanction other federations. The GPA/IPO will not sanction dual contests with other federations.
The meeting was adjourned at 1830hrs.
L B Baker